SciPhD Introduces Flamingo

After 9 years offering on-site workshops at over 120 research institutions across the US, SciPhD introduces Flamingo, our new online web application that helps you select a career, identify and develop relevant business and social skills, and get your first job- NOW!

You Can…

Learn more about our SciPhD Workshops

Boot Camp 2 - Learn

Learn more about Flamingo

Start Now!

Select Career

Build Your Non-technical Skills

Get A Job

Preparing Scientists for Professional Careers

Define Your Brand


Your Scientific Identity – Your Really Great Science

Your Business Identity – How You Do Great Science

Your Social Identity – How You Work With A Team To Do Great Science

SciPhD Can Show You How

SciPhD’s onsite half day workshops, full day custom programs, 2-day bootcamps and our 4 day Certificate Program are all designed to offer resources and hands-on training to identify and develop skills in communications, leadership, negotiations, team building, networking, and project management.  All SciPhD programs also interface with our new Flamingo Online web application to help you get a leg up on your first job.

More About Us

See What We Are Doing

6 years ago

Thank you SciPhD for the amazing "preparing for professional careers" workshop at the American Association of Aanatomist annual meeting in San Diego. I'm confident the skills we learned will be ... See more

6 years ago

SciPhD is heading to Ohio State for a two day bootcamp with about 150 students focused on landing your first job, and then we’re heading over to Wayne State next week for a 2-day bootcamp with ... See more

6 years ago

26 cards from the recent Experimental Biology 2018 conference AAA pre-workshop. 🙂

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