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Networking starts with defining your own brand and developing talking points that reflect that brand. Once you are comfortable with your message, you can learn to build your network at scientific, business and social events and develop advocates who can then help get your targeted resume onto the hiring manager’s desk. Effective communications in building your network requires you learning to be a “learner”, so that others will value what you have to say. In addition you must learn to adjust your message so that it adds value to your audience (Social Intelligence). Finally, you also must adjust the technical complexity to your specific audience so that they understand what you do (technical literacy). By combining all these skills you can develop and leverage a powerful network to get you the interview and the job.
Building Your Brand – Getting a job and advancing your career is about marketing your total value, which goes beyond your scientific/technical skills. In “Building Your Brand” we will look at the skills industry values, and how to relate your own experiences and accomplishments in order to separate you from your competition and make you a more attractive candidate. Learn how to represent your business and social identities along with your scientific skills to show how you add real value to the organization.
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Building Your Network – Getting a Job in today’s competitive environment is as much about WHO you know as it is WHAT you know. Establishing a powerful network of people who can provide you insight into how companies work, knowledge of unadvertised openings, access to hiring managers, and recommendations to support your job application process is a critical step in advancing your career. In this video we will look at the practical steps you can take to develop your network, and use that network to help you enter the professional workforce and enhance your job security.
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Getting Your Resume On The Hiring Manager’s Desk – Getting serious consideration for a job requires that you get noticed by the hiring manager. Competing with 500 – 1500 other candidates by applying online is not the best way to get noticed. In this video we will discuss ways to get your resume to the hiring manager so that you increase your chances of getting and interview, and getting the job.
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Communications: Learn to be a “learner” – The single most critical skill to master for a successful transition out of academia is what you already know how to do but have buried for the last several years; be a great Learner. Sure you have to learn a job hunting process, learn about companies, learn about resumes and interviews – but none of that matters if your communication skills are still self centric, dominant and authoritative. How do you go back to your well honed learning skills in communications that made you an expert? STOP being the expert and Run you neural patterns to learn about your audience so your communication responses have “meaning and purpose in the world of the audience.” Communicating with emotional and social intelligence is the theme in business so here is a very simple technique to reawaken your “interpersonal perspective” again!
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Communications: Social Intelligence – Upgrading your communication skills is a must when leaving academia. First, you will be interfacing with a wide variety of audiences with little to no science background. Second, you will need to quickly enable a sense of trust in your being a team player. And finally, third, your answer to their questions must meet their needs and interest regarding your science. It is no longer just about your science, but how your science enhances your audience’s productivity from their perspective. We introduce the most basic communication technique as a first step in your competence development of socially intelligence communications.
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Communications: Technical Literacy – As a new PhD in academia, you have honed your communication skills as an expert and have hours of presentations to other experts. You have for the most part mastered the expert-to-expert audience presentation. Transitioning your career to anything outside of academia, be it business or government or NGO’s, will result in communicating with a variety of audiences. Expert-to-nonexpert audience presentations requires mastery beyond technical content to include affective, persuasive, engaging, participative, shared purpose and shared identity. This is a 101 introduction as your first step in preparing technical presentations for nontechnical audiences.
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