SciPhD Statement on Recent Federal Policy Changes

These last few weeks have seen a barrage of chaotic actions and policy changes that will eventually impact and touch everyone in science and every person’s health and well-being both in the USA and globally. Whether you are a graduate student, postdoc, PI, staff scientist or other academic or government professional, these changes likely will impact you.  Some of us and our families are already experiencing the   extremely stressful disruption to our research as scientists, placing career plans in limbo,  threatening job security, and the list goes on! There is no immediate cure for this new reality and we all must prepare ourselves for our own personal challenges both now and for what is yet to come. For the past 15 years, SciPhD has provided career development training focused on learning the skills necessary to compete for jobs in professional organizations. Today we are announcing some initiatives to make our programs more available to those who need assistance in transitioning to a more stable work environment.

Starting Immediately:

The cost for all online SciPhD training programs available on our Flamingo platform are being reduced by 50%

  • Basic Flamingo License ($49 now $25)
  • Flamingo Pro- includes access to Business of Science Certificate Program ($149 now $75)
  • Flamingo Upgrades- for those who already have a Flamingo license, the upgrade to Flamingo Pro is also reduced by 50%. ($100 now $50). Upgrades are available in the Flamingo Resources section.


SciPhD will be hosting free open-house interactive zoom sessions on the following revolving topics:

  • Career Paths available for PhDs
  • Building Your Brand to be Competitive
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Using Flamingo to Land a Job

Sign up for topics of interest/importance with this form

Upon successful completion of the Business of Science Certificate  Program and final exam, you will receive the SCiPhD Business of Science Certificate of Achievement.

Our goal is to help you prepare for continuing your career in science and finding that next job. The job you are passionate about, and that you deserve.

SciPhD will also work with graduate and postdoc offices at academic institutions to facilitate accessibility of our on-site and virtual training programs.  Send requests to