SciPhD Online Programs take advantage of experiential learning technologies in order to engage all participants. Through the use of the Zoom platform, our 100% live webinars utilize breakout sessions, interactive polls, Q&A and Chat to keep student scientists engaged and involved while promoting communications and networking skills. We also have a series of short articles that provides greater insight into the practical value of our programs for the students both now in the lab and in the future.
To request more information or schedule a program please e-mail us at

Our “Business of Science- How To Land Your First Job” is offered as a series of three 90 minute live webinars that cover: finding jobs, analyzing job ads to determine your skill match and qualifications, developing experience statements and accomplishments that demonstrate those qualifications, generating a draft formatted targeted resume, leveraging your network to get your resume to the hiring manager, and preparing you for the interview process.
Behavioral Objectives
- Find a Job in Your Preferred Career Path
- Analyze Job Ads to Identify Critical Skills
- Identify Your Core Technical, Business and Social Skills
- Develop a Targeted Resume for Specific Jobs
- Build and Leverage Your Network to Get An interview
- Be Prepared for the Interview Process
- Maximize Your Competitive Advantage
- Deploy Flamingo as your Career Coach
The Business of Science Webinar Series – includes the following modules:
The Business of Science Fundamentals
23 Core Job Competences
Building Your Technical, Business and Social Identities
Finding a Job That Excites You
Developing a Targeted ResumeFlamingo Training
Find Job Ads
Job Ad Analytics
Build Experience Statements
Author Targeted Resumes
Interview Preparation
SciPhD University
Networking for Success
Developing Your LinkedIn Profile
Building Your Network Identity
Networking in Person
Networking Online
Leveraging Your Network to Get a Job

SciPhD recognizes that many institutions have prepared effective career development programs. Our customized programs provide the opportunity to select any of our eight certificate program modules to complement your programs. All custom programs include our Business of Science and Flamingo training modules which establishes the essential foundation for being competitive as a scientist in the professional workforce. SciPhD counselors will work with you to select the length and breadth of a program that best complements your own programs to give your students a leg up on their career.
Behavioral Objectives
- Complement Existing Career Development Programs
- Provide Academic Scientists with the Best Tools to Compete for and Land Their First Job
SciPhD Custom Program Modules
The Business of Science Fundamentals
23 Core Competences
Building Your Brand
Finding a Job That Excites You
Developing a Targeted ResumeCommunications for Scientist
Technical Literacy
Emotional Intelligence
Social IntelligenceDeveloping Your People
Effective Mentoring and Delegation
Managing Your Team as an Effective Leader
Motivating Your Team Via Effective CommunicationNetworking for Success
Developing Your Brand
Building Your Network Identity
Networking in Person
Networking Online
Leveraging Your Network to Get a Job
Leveraging Your Network to Enhance Job SecurityFlamingo Training
Find Job Ads
Job Ad Analytics
Build Targeted Resumes
Interview Preparation
SciPhD University
Team Performance and Finance
Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement
Process Mapping
Priority Matrix
Understanding an Income Statement
Determining a Company’s Worth
Developing a Business ModelProject Management for Scientists
Project Management Fundamentals
Translating Your Science into Project Management Language
Managing the Work
Managing Risk (with SWOT Analysis)
Managing the PeopleNegotiating As A Scientist
Integrative and Distributive Negotiations
Negotiating with Your PI
Negotiating Your Salary for Your New JobBehavioral Based Interview Experience
Attendees will experience the behavioral-based interview process three times over the course of the program. Each experience is designed to integrate new knowledge from the preceding sessions and integrate that knowledge with previous lessons and experiences.
VIP Networking Reception
Attendees will meet live with VIPs who are former SciPhD attendees who have successfully landed real jobs. Zoom breakout rooms allow attendees to meet with multiple VIPs with different job titles, learn from them, and exchange contact information.

This comprehensive 30-hour online program makes academic scientists “business-ready” for professional positions, whether in academia, government, or industry. SciPhD brings its experiential “learn by doing” methodology online to provide interactive training for students to experience the essential skills valued and required by professional organizations. While many traditional academic programs emphasize the scientific/technical skills, the SciPhD certificate program raises awareness of the business and social skills, and improves these skills using hands-on experiences. The individual modules are focused on business and social skills that are generally required to be successful in your first year of work. We develop and reinforce these skills through team and peer coaching exercises. Our primary goal is for each student to recognize that they have a wealth of talent that they nurtured while getting their PhD and Postdoc credentials: now they just have to learn the business way of deploying that talent.
Behavioral Objectives
- Enable Students to be “Business-Ready” and Competitive for Jobs
- Enable Students to Demonstrate their Mastery of Leading a Team
- Enable Students to Effectively Negotiate to Maximize their Compensation
- Enable students to Effectively Convey their Value During Their Job Interview
- Enable Students to Build and Leverage their Networks to Get an Interview
- Enable Students to Ace Their Interview and Land their Preferred Job
- Enable Students to Stay Positive and Constructive in their Communications
- Enable Students to Apply Project Management Skills to Complete their Current Program NOW
Online Certificate Program – includes the following modules:
The Business of Science Fundamentals
23 Core Competencies
Building Your Brand
Finding a Job that Excites You
Developing a Targeted ResumeCommunications for Scientists
Technical Literacy
Emotional Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Style FlexibilityDeveloping Your People
Effective Mentoring and Delegation
Managing Your Team As An Effective Leader
Motivating Your Team Via Effective CommunicationNetworking for Success
Developing Your Brand
Building Your Network Identity
Networking In Person
Networking Online
Leveraging Your Network to Get a Job
Leveraging Your Network to Enhance Job SecurityFlamingo Training
Find Job Ads
Job Ad Analytics
Build Targeted Resumes
Interview Preparation
SciPhD University
Team Performance and Finance
Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement
Process Mapping
Priority Matrix
Understanding an Income Statement
Determining a Company’s Worth
Developing a Business ModelProject Management for Scientists
Project Management Fundamentals
Translating Your Science into Project Management Language
Managing the Work
Managing the Risk (with SWOT Analysis)
Managing the PeopleNegotiating as a Scientist
Integrative and Distributive Negotiations
Negotiating with your PI
Negotiating Your Salary for your New JobBehavioral Based Interview Experience
Attendees will experience the behavioral-based interview process three times over the course of the program. Each experience is designed to integrate new knowledge from the preceding sessions and integrate that knowledge with previous lessons and experiences.
VIP Networking Reception
Attendees will meet live with VIPs who are former SciPhD students who have successfully landed real jobs. Zoom breakout rooms allow attendees to meet with multiple VIPs with different job titles, learn from them, and exchange contact information.
The Table below displays how the Core Concepts of SciPhD as provided in the Business of Science Module serves as the “Starting Point” for the transition of the PhD student as they discover their “Total Talent Experience” in getting the PhD. The eight “Professional Modules” then further develop their insights into deliverable skills in a professional discipline that will give them a competitive advantage for jobs over competing PhDs. All SciPhD programs benefit from intentional integration between the individual modules so that they build on each other and reinforce the learning experience. SciPhD will work with institutional representatives to build the best program to meet your career development needs.
Primary Focus
Business of Science Fundamentals
Communications for Scientists
Developing Your People
Networking for Success
Team Performance and Finance
Project Management for Scientists
Negotiating as a Scientist
Behavioral Based Interview Experience
VIP Networking Reception
Flamingo Training
Total Instructions Hours
Total Cost
Business of Science: How To Land Your First Job
Introduction to science in professional organizations and how to be competitive
4.5 hours
Custom Program
Design a program to complement your current career development offerings
Certificate Program
The complete program to prepare you to land your first job
22 hours
- The Business of Science
The Business of Science Webinar Series
Our “Business of Science- How To Land Your First Job” is offered as a series of three 90 minute live webinars that cover: finding jobs, analyzing job ads to determine your skill match and qualifications, developing experience statements and accomplishments that demonstrate those qualifications, generating a draft formatted targeted resume, leveraging your network to get your resume to the hiring manager, and preparing you for the interview process.
Behavioral Objectives
- Find a Job in Your Preferred Career Path
- Analyze Job Ads to Identify Critical Skills
- Identify Your Core Technical, Business and Social Skills
- Develop a Targeted Resume for Specific Jobs
- Build and Leverage Your Network to Get An interview
- Be Prepared for the Interview Process
- Maximize Your Competitive Advantage
- Deploy Flamingo as your Career Coach
The Business of Science Webinar Series – includes the following modules:
The Business of Science Fundamentals
23 Core Job Competences
Building Your Technical, Business and Social Identities
Finding a Job That Excites You
Developing a Targeted ResumeFlamingo Training
Find Job Ads
Job Ad Analytics
Build Experience Statements
Author Targeted Resumes
Interview Preparation
SciPhD University
Networking for Success
Developing Your LinkedIn Profile
Building Your Network Identity
Networking in Person
Networking Online
Leveraging Your Network to Get a Job
- Custom Program
SciPhD Custom Online ProgramDesigned to Complement Your Existing Career Development Programs
SciPhD recognizes that many institutions have prepared effective career development programs. Our customized programs provide the opportunity to select any of our eight certificate program modules to complement your programs. All custom programs include our Business of Science and Flamingo training modules which establishes the essential foundation for being competitive as a scientist in the professional workforce. SciPhD counselors will work with you to select the length and breadth of a program that best complements your own programs to give your students a leg up on their career.
Behavioral Objectives
- Complement Existing Career Development Programs
- Provide Academic Scientists with the Best Tools to Compete for and Land Their First Job
SciPhD Custom Program Modules
The Business of Science Fundamentals
23 Core Competences
Building Your Brand
Finding a Job That Excites You
Developing a Targeted ResumeCommunications for Scientist
Technical Literacy
Emotional Intelligence
Social IntelligenceDeveloping Your People
Effective Mentoring and Delegation
Managing Your Team as an Effective Leader
Motivating Your Team Via Effective CommunicationNetworking for Success
Developing Your Brand
Building Your Network Identity
Networking in Person
Networking Online
Leveraging Your Network to Get a Job
Leveraging Your Network to Enhance Job SecurityFlamingo Training
Find Job Ads
Job Ad Analytics
Build Targeted Resumes
Interview Preparation
SciPhD University
Team Performance and Finance
Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement
Process Mapping
Priority Matrix
Understanding an Income Statement
Determining a Company’s Worth
Developing a Business ModelProject Management for Scientists
Project Management Fundamentals
Translating Your Science into Project Management Language
Managing the Work
Managing Risk (with SWOT Analysis)
Managing the PeopleNegotiating As A Scientist
Integrative and Distributive Negotiations
Negotiating with Your PI
Negotiating Your Salary for Your New JobBehavioral Based Interview Experience
Attendees will experience the behavioral-based interview process three times over the course of the program. Each experience is designed to integrate new knowledge from the preceding sessions and integrate that knowledge with previous lessons and experiences.
VIP Networking Reception
Attendees will meet live with VIPs who are former SciPhD attendees who have successfully landed real jobs. Zoom breakout rooms allow attendees to meet with multiple VIPs with different job titles, learn from them, and exchange contact information.
- Certificate Program
Online SciPhD Certificate Program
This comprehensive 30-hour online program makes academic scientists “business-ready” for professional positions, whether in academia, government, or industry. SciPhD brings its experiential “learn by doing” methodology online to provide interactive training for students to experience the essential skills valued and required by professional organizations. While many traditional academic programs emphasize the scientific/technical skills, the SciPhD certificate program raises awareness of the business and social skills, and improves these skills using hands-on experiences. The individual modules are focused on business and social skills that are generally required to be successful in your first year of work. We develop and reinforce these skills through team and peer coaching exercises. Our primary goal is for each student to recognize that they have a wealth of talent that they nurtured while getting their PhD and Postdoc credentials: now they just have to learn the business way of deploying that talent.
Behavioral Objectives
- Enable Students to be “Business-Ready” and Competitive for Jobs
- Enable Students to Demonstrate their Mastery of Leading a Team
- Enable Students to Effectively Negotiate to Maximize their Compensation
- Enable students to Effectively Convey their Value During Their Job Interview
- Enable Students to Build and Leverage their Networks to Get an Interview
- Enable Students to Ace Their Interview and Land their Preferred Job
- Enable Students to Stay Positive and Constructive in their Communications
- Enable Students to Apply Project Management Skills to Complete their Current Program NOW
Online Certificate Program – includes the following modules:
The Business of Science Fundamentals
23 Core Competencies
Building Your Brand
Finding a Job that Excites You
Developing a Targeted ResumeCommunications for Scientists
Technical Literacy
Emotional Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Style FlexibilityDeveloping Your People
Effective Mentoring and Delegation
Managing Your Team As An Effective Leader
Motivating Your Team Via Effective CommunicationNetworking for Success
Developing Your Brand
Building Your Network Identity
Networking In Person
Networking Online
Leveraging Your Network to Get a Job
Leveraging Your Network to Enhance Job SecurityFlamingo Training
Find Job Ads
Job Ad Analytics
Build Targeted Resumes
Interview Preparation
SciPhD University
Team Performance and Finance
Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement
Process Mapping
Priority Matrix
Understanding an Income Statement
Determining a Company’s Worth
Developing a Business ModelProject Management for Scientists
Project Management Fundamentals
Translating Your Science into Project Management Language
Managing the Work
Managing the Risk (with SWOT Analysis)
Managing the PeopleNegotiating as a Scientist
Integrative and Distributive Negotiations
Negotiating with your PI
Negotiating Your Salary for your New JobBehavioral Based Interview Experience
Attendees will experience the behavioral-based interview process three times over the course of the program. Each experience is designed to integrate new knowledge from the preceding sessions and integrate that knowledge with previous lessons and experiences.
VIP Networking Reception
Attendees will meet live with VIPs who are former SciPhD students who have successfully landed real jobs. Zoom breakout rooms allow attendees to meet with multiple VIPs with different job titles, learn from them, and exchange contact information.
- Compare Programs
The Table below displays how the Core Concepts of SciPhD as provided in the Business of Science Module serves as the “Starting Point” for the transition of the PhD student as they discover their “Total Talent Experience” in getting the PhD. The eight “Professional Modules” then further develop their insights into deliverable skills in a professional discipline that will give them a competitive advantage for jobs over competing PhDs. All SciPhD programs benefit from intentional integration between the individual modules so that they build on each other and reinforce the learning experience. SciPhD will work with institutional representatives to build the best program to meet your career development needs.
Primary Focus
Business of Science Fundamentals
Communications for Scientists
Developing Your People
Networking for Success
Team Performance and Finance
Project Management for Scientists
Negotiating as a Scientist
Behavioral Based Interview Experience
VIP Networking Reception
Flamingo Training
Total Instructions Hours
Total Cost
Business of Science: How To Land Your First Job
Introduction to science in professional organizations and how to be competitive
4.5 hours
Custom Program
Design a program to complement your current career development offerings
Certificate Program
The complete program to prepare you to land your first job
22 hours